
Helping millions of voices be heard with the power of engaging and actionable two-way communication.

The role

Raghu leads design for the editor experience. This involves actively participating in user research and driving both iterative-continuous improvements as well as large strategic bets. These bets include a re-haul of the information architecture of the core-product and establishing the design direction for users using data to fuel future presentations. His scope ranges from exploring early inklings of ideas, to sharp execution and subsequent iterations.

Due to the technical complexity of the product and the team’s ever-evolving scope, Raghu balances simplicity, system thinking and a tight collaboration with engineering and product leadership, to push the product forward for his team and other teams that build on top of the editor.


2020 — Now

Some notable projects at Mentimeter


A context aware editor. Revisiting the editor information architecture ground up and driving the shift in direction of the Menti-editor from a completely static to be highly dynamic and significantly guided user experience.

Rich previews. Using a combination of animation and hover states to help users feel in control of the choices they can make.

Continuous experimentation. Several fast paced quantitative tests to declutter the editor surface and bring focus to features that drive core retention metrics.

Collaboration experience. Helping teams create, edit and share presentation across an organization.

Stockholm, Sweden



Stockholm, Sweden



Stockholm, Sweden



Stockholm, Sweden
